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ACO Self® Gravel Grid - enhanced stability for gravel and grit surfaces

ACO Self® Gravel Grid is an innovative and recyclable system for stabilising gravel and grit. The product is designed with a hexagonal honeycomb structure made of pure polypropylene to ensure a strong and stable base for professional application of gravel on paths, drives, parking areas and rooftops. When laid professionaly, it creates a stable and water-permeable surface that is perfect for walking or driving on. Individual designs can be achieved by filling the structure with double-crushed grit or decorative gravel.



The honeycomb structure of the mats ensures that stones stay where they belong. Since they do not move back and forth, there is no longer any displacement and the surface remains free of ditches, holes and piles of stones. The use of ACO Self® Gravel Grid with water-permeable geofibre also improves the drainage performance of the surface, meaning lower charges for sealed surfaces, and no puddles either.
The laying process is very quick and simple, as the individual honeycomb mats are just placed loose next to one another. No additional anchorage or connecting systems are required.

Contact your local ACO partner if you want to present ACO Self® gravel grid in your DIY market: